IaaS vs PaaS vs. SaaS: Here’s What You Need to Know About Each

The AI-driven customization solution is cloud based but is not something that can be easily added to a SaaS solution. Therefore, Company A needs to leverage its own software developers to create an app with these capabilities, while also designing enhanced tracking and user metrics. You’re probably already aware of the potential of cloud computing…

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SaaS, PaaS or IaaS? What is the difference & which one to choose?

You can provision and manage your own infrastructure components while benefiting from the scaling options of cloud services. The tradeoff is a greater maintenance burden as you’ll be responsible for configuring and maintaining each system, as if it was a physical machine residing on your premises. A Platform as a Service (PaaS) lets you outsource…

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How to Invest in Stocks: Quick-Start Guide for Beginners

Stock trading is generally considered permissible in Islam if it meets certain ethical criteria, making it halal. The key considerations include avoiding companies that deal in prohibited (haram) industries like alcohol, gambling, and interest-based finance. Additionally, speculative trading practices resembling gambling are discouraged. Muslims seeking to engage in stock trading should adhere to Islamic finance…

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